Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Welcome to the family!

We were allowed to pick up Mr Mouse a day early! Yay!!!! He has been playing ever since he got home, and has now settled down for a wee nap. Considering he had his little man purses emptied today, he has been incredibly happy and lively. He loves Johnny already, has used my jodhpurs (with me in them) as a scratching pole, and he plays with anything he finds. He isn't too impressed with Miss Dog, and perched on my shoulder in full fluff mode and gave her a thorough telling off. She hasn't gone near him yet. I'm hoping she thinks he is Jasper reincarnated, because she feared the power of Mr J's claws.

Zanny got her hooves re-shod today. Brent, the farrier, wondered why we were bothering to put shoes back on her (I think he thinks we've got her dates wrong with that tummy), but she's still enjoying a sedate wander on a regular basis, so she needed to have a trim and refit. Shadow, Zanny and I went out for a ride. There was a plump rubbish bag waiting outside a house and Zanny decided it was SCARY, and made me laugh with her dramatics. She snorted and huffed, tried to spin around and head home, and then reluctantly sidled past it on the other side of the road. Once we negotiated that obstacle (which wasn't too tricky because she is actually a very obliging lady, even when alarmed) we went up the road and a lycra clad cyclist appeared unexpectedly as we went around a corner, and she got a big fright. No problem. Let's just hope she doesn't get a fright and shoot the foal out! 

I must confess, I'm loving The Glee Project. I am a huge Glee fan. Mock me at your peril. I'm training an attack kitten and will ride my plump bellied steed into battle.

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